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Pelaamaan yliopistotennistä – Play College Sports USA

Kiinnostaako opiskelu USA:ssa tennistä pelaten? HVS:n valmentaja Dominic Modise on auttanut monia pelaajia, viimeisimpänä HVS:n Roni Hietarannan, saamaan opiskelupaikan ja stipendin USA:ssa. Hakuprosessi kannattaa aloittaa 1.5-2 vuotta ennen haluttujen opiskeluiden aloittamista. Dominic tarjoaa HVS:n pelaajille 10% alennuksen hakuprosessista.

You don’t have to be the best player in Finland to play college tennis. There are opportunities for players between A and D level. The advantage Finns have is strong academic high school education which allows them to study in some of the best American universities

Play College Sports USA was formed by Dominic Modise, who nowadays works as a tennis coach in HVS-Tennis. Dominic has been involved in college athletics for 20 years as a student-athlete and a coach. His journey started at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, which gave him an amazing experience to grow as a person and a coach.  He earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a Masters Degree in Human Performance due to being an athlete on scholarship. The benefits of athletics scholarship opened doors for him to do things that he would have never imagined. Previously, Dominic coached some of the top Finnish Tennis Players in college whom graduated and now running successful businesses and contributing to Finnish Society.

Dominic has been an Assistant and Head Coach at the following Universities: Cornell University, University of Colorado, University of Louisiana, University of New Orleans, North Carolina Wesleyan College, and Nicholls State University.

Play College Sports USA believes in creating a platform for young Finnish players in sports is very crucial. College Sports is a good outlet for talented young Finns. Not everyone can make it to be a pro-athlete but everyone who has played sports at a competitive level (A to D Level) could play college sports in the United States on scholarship. Our goal is to help young players to stay in the game and to find a college where they can show their athletic and academic ability. PCSUSA is currently making an impact by helping Finnish Players to study at different Universities in the United States.

We believe there is so much talent in Finland and the sky is the limit for Finnish Tennis.

What do Play College Sports USA offer:

Assistance with the registration process
  • Gather your interactive profile with video, photo ́s, results
  • Conversion of administrative school documents into American values.
  • Selecting of the right universities based on your needs
  • Confirmation of NCAA Amateurism
  • Presenting the offers
  •  Consulting as to the choice of the university
  • Verifying of the university contracts
  • Follow up of the steps with regard to the registration at the university + Clearinghouse (NCAA)
  • Assistance with reservation of your stay on campus
  • Assistance with regard to the student visa and international insurance
  •  Follow up and counseling + arranging arrival at the university
Diverse recruiting process
  • Diverse College Placement for every athlete
  • Mentoring Individuals during the recruiting process
  • Professional services after graduation

Play College Sports USA offers HVS players a 10% discount.

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